Title: Larry Hausman Announces entrance into the Republican Primary Race for Kentucky’s 3rd DisctrictLocation: Bowman Field Airport Terminal – 2815 Taylorsville Road, Louisville, KY 40205Description: You are cordially invinted to attend the official announcement of Larry Hausman’s entrance into the Republican Primary Race for KY’s 3rd Congressional district. Monday January 25th 11am Start Time: 11:00Date: […]
Tag Archives: hausman for congress
Larry Hausman Announces entrance into the Republican Primary Race for Kentucky’s 3rd Disctrict
Posted in Articles, Exploratory Commitee Also tagged congress, election 2010, Hausman 2010, Larry Hausman, Republican Comments closed
Larry speaks to Louisville Young Republicans.
Monday August 10th Larry addressed the local Young Republicans tonight. Strategies for 2010 victory were discussed as well as the general economy and mortgage crisis. Four books on politics were briefly reviewed.
Government has never been more efficient than private industry
Government has never been more efficient than private industry (think Post Office). The far left would have you believe that this axiom will magically be suspended for healthcare. But nothing could be further from the truth. Congress’s own budget office (the CBO) has stated that the projections used in the proposed legislation are a farce. […]
Posted in Articles, Business, Health Care Also tagged hau, hausman, Hausman 2010, Health Care, Larry Hausman Comments closed