Title: Fundraiser for John Brewer State Rep Candidate (28th)Location: Dixie Bowl Banquet Room Description: Larry will be one of the speakers at the fundraiser for John Brewer. Start Time: 07:00Date: 2010-03-02
Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Women’s Republican Club of Louisville Meeting
Title: The Women’s Republican Club of Louisville MeetingStart Time: 12:00Date: 2010-03-18
Posted in Uncategorized Comments closed
Jefferson County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner
Title: Jefferson County Republican Party Lincoln Day DinnerStart Time: 19:30Date: 2010-02-19
Posted in Uncategorized Comments closed
Saturday September 5th
The Tea Party Express was in town and I was able to speak to over 2000 people about turning the country around. The Crowd went crazy when I reminded them of the Declaration of Independence. I spoke of the need for any government to have the consent of the governed to stay in power, the […]
Also posted in Business, Cap and Trade, Health Care Tagged Business, Cap and Trade, election 2010, Larry Hausman, Republican Comments closed