Q: Larry, have you signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge? In the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, candidates and incumbents solemnly bind themselves to oppose any and all tax increases. If you have not, do you intend to? If not, can you explain why not? A:Jay, I am a Flat Tax proponent. I believe that this […]
Author Archives: hausman
Listening: Conservative
Larry, Thanks for running against the Liberal Louisville machine. Your ads are being noticed. Being an independent businessman in Louisville, all the government “extras” are choking us small guys out that keep the country running. We definitely need a CONSERVATIVE voice against “Cap & Tax”, and the governmentalization of Health Care. Thanks for all of the commercials reminding Louisville that we are in need of a Conservative voice!
Listening: Tea Party Comment
My wife Angel and I attended the Tea Party event Friday in Middletown. We thought you basically smoked the competition. Although we could only stay for the first hour, we were very impressed with your concise and knowledgeable answers and opinions. Quite frankly we weren’t aware of your candidacy. Many in the audience expressed a similar opinion if I’m good at reading people and hearing their quiet comments. I think you’re the only one to really withstand a face to face confrontation with Yarmuth.
CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE LARRY HAUSMAN PUTS PRINCIPLES BEFORE PARTY IN STATE OF THE UNION REACTION MEDIA ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Brad Cummings 502-644-1454 or brad@hausman2010.com Louisville, KY – Third District Congressional candidate Larry Hausman continues his pledge to put principles over party in his response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address. Free […]
Q & A – Social Issues?
Q: Social Issues? Israel? Can you please tell me where Mr. Hausman stands on taxpayer-funded abortion, same sex marriage, home schooling, and support of Israel? Thank you. A: Valerie, I am ardently against not only tax payer funded abortions, but abortions of any kind (except to save the life of the mother). I believe marriage […]